Thursday, February 5, 2009

Field Experience 3

February 3, 2009 7:30-8:00 and 10:00-2:30
Total Time: 14 hours

Objectives: The students listened to stories, used the home row on the keyboard, and completed addition facts.
Activities: Beginning when the first bell rang, a student began playing FastMath on my one computer. About three students were able to play during homeroom while the other children did seatwork. During reading, several students engaged in Lexia activities. Lexia is great for building phonics knowledge. Speakers are used in order to hear the instructions. Another website used in reading was On this particular day, children used starfall to listen to stories for fluency. When we went to the computer lab, we learned how to use the keyboard. The lesson was on the home row. The students watched and listened as the computer told them where to place their fingers on the keyboard. After figuring out how to do this correctly, each child had to type letters and words as they appeared on the screen. I walked around the lab and made sure each student had their fingers in the right position. Several students tried to simply peck the keys. I stopped them and explained they needed to do it correctly now so they would be able to type correctly and at a nice speed later.

EasyTech is a class required of second graders. I have set the program so that all students have to make a 70 or better to move on to the next lesson. All my students met that goal and most of them made an 88 or better on the lesson.

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